The Budapest Process celebrates its 30th anniversary

The Budapest Process (BP) celebrates 30 years of dialogue on migration. In the past three decades, the BP has expanded geographically and thematically. Initial discussions on the need for a migration dialogue within wider Europe started in the early 90s including at a Ministerial meeting in 1991 in Berlin. In February 1993, the Budapest Process obtained its name after its successful Ministerial Conference in Budapest.

Since then, the Budapest Process has become a well-recognised dialogue stretching from Europe to Asia. Its balanced approach, looking at all aspects of migration, and its network of focal points have built trust overtime and strong cooperation. The dialogue shifted its focus to the Silk Routes Region in 2010 which led to the Silk Routes Partnership for Migration, highlighted in both Ministerial Conferences in 2013 and 2019. Projects under the umbrella of the dialogue have led to concrete impact in the Silk Routes Region specifically.

The Budapest Process has been structured by its annual Senior Officials meetings and its expert-level meetings, whether thematic or regional and its strength lies in partners meeting informally on equal-footing. Over the years, the structure of the BP has remained flexible with ad hoc meetings taking place based on expressed needs, unforeseen crises and new topics of interest.

The Budapest Process Secretariat has drafted a catalogue of all the activities of the Budapest Process since 1993. This catalogue highlights the evolution of the Process and the commitment of specific partners since the dialogue’s early days. It showcases key turning points and how the BP managed to adapt in times of change.

A few examples include: A Senior Officials meeting in March 2013 gathered 67 participating states and organisations, the highest number of states and organisations recorded. The furthest meeting of the BP took place in Perth, Australia, in May 2004 for a joint Budapest and Bali Process meeting. Many other meeting summaries capture the dialogue richness and its longstanding and continuous priority toward cooperation on migration.

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