Vienna, October 2022: New read: Policy Briefs of the needs assessment reports for Bangladesh and Iraq is now available.

Where do migrants in the Silk Routes region get their information? ICMPD’s Migration Needs Assessment research study examined the information needs of prospective migrants in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Iraq, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

These studies were undertaken under the project “Improving Migration Management in the Silk Routes Countries” implemented in 2017 – 2022 in five Silk Routes and Central Asian countries. The main objectivea of the study was to understand the information needs of potential migrants, including how the existing government structures can utilise the available resources to reach migrants and how established MRCs can support migrants’ and governmental needs. Moreover, the study identifies the means by which interested populations can be reached with information on migration that guides them through the migration processes, provides advice on legal pathways for migration, and raises awareness of the dangers of irregular migration, migrant smuggling and human trafficking.

New Policy Briefs of the needs assessment reports for Bangladesh and Iraq are now available for reading. Download Policy Briefs here: Bangladesh and Iraq

Full needs assessment reports available here:

Project “Improving Migration Management in the Silk Routes countries” was funded by the European Union

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